Asdfgh. I just wanna write. I don't really know what to write, but I know I really really want to write. And all the true advice there is about writing is that in order to write better, you must write. A damn lot. So here I am, writing about me wanting to write and not knowing what to write. I guess you could call it a start.
Is it? How many starts can you have? It's a weird word. Start. One would say there is only one... but it's not really like that, isn't it? We start again so many times, the word kinda ends up losing its meaning. So yes, I guess this is another start. Because I already started before, and was defeated. Lazyness took over. Lazy is so easy. You just have to be. So in the end, all that's really worth, is achieved by moving out of the easy. Can I say that if it's easy it's not good? Because right now that seems to be the answer. Anyways, I read a comic last night about collecting questions and answers, and the point was that questions are more valuable than answers. The same question can have a different answer, depending where and when you ask it. I like that.
Hey. I kinda wrote something. It's a start.
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